I don’t remember who recommended me to Dr. Pamela Acosta and Dr. Andres Vega, but it had to be one of the best recommendations for professional care I have ever had. Dr. Pamela Acosta did my evaluation and is a superb dentist in her own right. But just as important to me (and to any non-Spanish speaking potential client), she has a superb command of English and can and will answer any questions that you might have. Her husband, Dr. Vega, does the “heavy lifting” (endodontics and implants, etc.) I also had the comforting feeling that during any parts of a procedure, I had the brains and talent of three of the most educated and talented dentists in the world at my disposal. And what was the procedure? I had full frontal restoration on the lower jaw and full mouth implants on the upper—not a small task. This was all done under local anesthetic and while I am no fan of shots in the mouth, once I was past that, the remaining procedures were relatively painless (and efficient). Dra. Pamela Acosta was always available for any of my post procedural needs via phone or Whatsapp.
While I will not say that going to the dentist is fun, I will say that I always enjoyed the very pleasant and professional atmosphere at the Ecuador Dental Care Clinic, and their great sense of humor. I always felt that I was in the hands of some of the best doctors in the world. Last, but not least, the entire procedure was imminently affordable. Based on my estimates, I saved from twenty to thirty thousand dollars for an identical procedure as done in the US. Thanks. Hugs.